Our Council is committed to serving our parish and helping those in need. Our service takes the form of thousands of hours of volunteer service by our members who raise funds to be able to provide for those who require our help.
We have supported the following initiatives:
- Parish Events – Picnic, Garage Sale, BBQ
- Parish Elevator Project – currently being installed
- Culture of Life / March of Life / Annual Life Chain
- Coats for Kids
- Special Olympics
- Parish Family Skate
- Birthright Vaughan
- Gift Cards to Parish for Needy Families
- Catholic Christian Outreach Canada
- York Region Catholic District School Board Missionary of the Poor
- Support for seminarians, veterans and individuals with disabilities
- Passionist Missions Canada
- Knights of Columbus Christmas is for Kids event
- Vaughan Food Bank
- St. Padre Pio Youth Group – Steubenville & Lift Jesus High Rally
- Pastoral Ministry Support
- Purchased canopy for Corpus Christie & a Nativity statue
- Parish Maintenance
- Augustinian Fathers of Mary Lake
- Dr. Del Rizzo Dominican Medical Relief
- Samaritan Foundation – Dominican Republic Missions
- Parish Nativity – Setup & Take down
- Parish Decorating – Liturgical Seasons
- Children’s Nativity Contest
- Good Sheppard Outreach
and many more.